Tuesday, December 30, 2014

{K Family} St. Paul Family Photographer

Many of my clients hire me not because I am great at "posed" photos, but because of the "in between" moments. The moments that capture their family as it is. Posed photos are great and all but those in between shots, those are the ones that I take and I instantly think "that was my shot, it was perfect." 
The K family had their session photographed at the Union Depot in St. Paul, and it included a lot of those "in between" moments! The venue is absolutely beautiful! It was a gorgeous backdrop to capture some moments for this beautiful family. The building itself had so much character I found myself photographing from the floor quite a bit because the ceiling was so spectacular. 
The order of my sessions are usually dictated by the kiddos and what they want to do. If the energy level is high, I have them run, jump and play. If the energy level is low, that is when I will tend to get up close and get those more quiet moments between the child and parents or the child by him or her self. We play games and at times it feels like chaos, but the hope is that the experience above all else is a good one for the kids as well as their parents. 
There was so much love in this family that is was easy to capture the relationship between the parents and the children and I am so in love with so many images from this session, I couldn't help but post a blog about it!