Friday, June 7, 2013

{CUTE KID CONTEST 2013!} Marshall, MN Child Photographer

Lil' Sprout Memories is turning one on July 1st! To thank all my awesome supporters and clients I am having a GIVEAWAY! Enter your child in the Lil' Sprout Memories cute kid contest!
*Email me a non-professional photo to: between June10th-June 17th
*Voting will begin June 24th and end on July 1st
*Winner will be the photo with the most votes and receive a free photo session and custom USB of their images.
*GOOD LUCK! And thank you for all of your support over the last year :)

{F Family} Marshall, MN Family Photographer

I loved photographing this family so much! They were so easy going and so much fun! I got the pleasure of photographing them twice because on our first try the lovely Marshall wind was at an all time high and we didn't want any one to blow away! Thank you again, F Family! You were all awesome!

{Mom and Me Mini's} Marshall, MN Family Photographer

There is NOTHING in this world like that of a mother's love! I got the pleasure in April to photograph 8 beautiful moms and their adorable kids--just in time for mothers' day! It was such a fun day and I captured so may great moments for these kids and their moms. Here are some of my favorites from that day! 

Friday, May 17, 2013

{Elegant, Girly Portraits} Senior Photography

This young lady was a dream to photograph! She is absolutely beautiful inside and out! We had a lot of fun despite the gale force winds, and used the wind to our advantage when capturing these fun shots! Thank you again, Miss I--you rocked it out!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

{No, I just want pictures of the kids...}

Why you should be in the picture too!
Having photos of your kiddos is important, but having some with you and your children is just as important, if not more so! And this is why: we do not know what will happen tomorrow, and family pictures are a way to leave a legacy for those we leave behind. From personal experience and in dealing with clients, I have heard many reasons why mom and dad do not want to be in the photograph, or why they want to wait to get a family portrait done. From waiting to lose weight, not liking how they look, waiting for the kids teeth to come in, hair to grow out, my kids do not like having their photos taken, my husband does not like having their photos taken, I do not like having my photo taken and I have thought the same thing myself with my own family. I completely get it when I hear these things from my clients because I have thought it about myself!
Here is the reality--and a wake up call for myself:
After watching a webinar today with amazing family photographer, Michele Celantano, she put some things into perspective for me. The longer we put off having family portraits done, the more likely we are to not have them done at all. Simply stated, yet incredibly true. I am aware of how priceless images are, because I am a firm believer in capturing those moments that may never happen again. In my own life, I know which images in my home are the ones I would save first (after my irreplaceable family of course) in case of some natural disaster or fire because they mean that much to me. Those images are the ones that have people in them that are no longer with me, and those images are all I have left, that is tangible, of people who I love and miss so much. They are the ones that when I look at them I do not think "ugh, I wish my mom would have lost a few pounds before taking that photo;" instead, I look at them and I can immediately remember what we were doing, what I was feeling and how much I love and miss my mom. Images that I know will be all I will have left once those loved ones are gone; they are, in a word, irreplaceable.
Here is my experience and why I am even more obsessed with capturing every moment, and getting photos taken of your family as well as my own. This photo is the last one I have of my mom and my son together. My mom passed away unexpectedly almost one month to the day after this photo was taken last year. One of my biggest regrets is that I did not hand my camera off to my husband and jump in this picture with my mom and son to have a photo taken together. While I am so grateful to have this last image of them together, I wish I would have taken more photos from this day or taken photos of myself with my mom. Of course, I could not see into the future to know what would happen--and now it really makes me think that the time we do have together is that much more precious. I miss my mom tremendously, every day, every minute and besides memories, photos are the only thing I have left of her that is tangible. When I look at this picture, it evokes emotion, it makes me happy to see her smile and I love looking at it. There are no flaws in this image, all I can see is the love a grandma has for her grandson. And if I could I would put this photo on every wall in my house, just so I could look at it any time I want; in any room I want.  
Waiting to have that family session done? Or avoiding the camera at the family reunion? You are NOT alone!  
I know when I take photos of my own family, I have thousands (and I am not exaggerating) of my son, hundreds of he and my husband together and maybe a handful of myself with my son and even fewer of the three of us together. Ugh-I need to do better! Why is that? Because I let my "self" get in the way and because I like being behind the camera instead of in front of it...I am over critical and over analytical of myself, just as we all can be from time to time, especially when it comes to viewing ourselves in pictures. If we could start looking at ourselves the way that those that love us see us, we would stop seeing our physical flaws in our images, we begin seeing what the image is really about--a moment shared, a relationship recorded. As long as the people in the photo love and care for each other that is all that matters and that is what makes it perfect. Now is the time I personally stop waiting and avoiding jumping in front of the camera and time to capture those moments with my own family and I hope that this will inspire others to do the same. Whether you book a family session with a professional photog, grab a neighbor or friend to photograph you or make sure you take family photos during a holiday--create moments and capture memories you will keep forever.  

Monday, March 25, 2013

{Dad Is My Hero} Mini Sessions

Dad Is My Hero mini sessions will be here in no time! E-mail me at or give me a call at 507-401-3097 to book a time slot. Space is limited and a $20 deposit is due at the time of booking! Dress the kiddos up in their favorite superhero attire or dress them up like daddy! Maybe dad is in the military, or a firefighter, or a police officer, or a farmer--how cute to have some pictures of them all dressed up just like dad. These would make a great surprise for father's day or would be a great keepsake for a picture with his kiddos for father's day!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

{J Class of 2013}

This young man was a pleasure to photograph! He graduates this year and will be serving our country in Afghanistan starting this summer. His sister was also present for his photo session and we got some cute shots of the two of them together. She is also in the National Guard and it was fun getting to know both of these young people!
Thank you both for your service! I wish you nothing but the best of luck in your future and congratulations on your graduation!