Location is key in custom photography, and while there are many incredible places to take photos that will provide a great backdrop to record your relationships, I often ask my clients if there is any place that is sentimental to them where they would like to have their photos taken at. Depending on what you are looking for in your images, having your photos taken in a place that means something to you, your family and in your relationship can make those images all the more special. Maybe it is your first home, the park you were proposed to, the hospital the day your baby is born or a special place that brings back great memories of a loved one that is no longer with you. All of these are great ways to incorporate even more meaning to your images as well as a wonderful way to include and honor family members that may no longer be with you.
Each year around my birthday (which is a day after my brothers' birthday) my husband and I take my son to a place that is sentimental to me and a place both my brothers took me to quite often. Every year I take my sons' photo in the same spots I took them the year before and I always take some new poses as well. It has been a fun way to watch him grow up, but as he gets older it will be a fun memory I can share with him about his uncles, one of whom is no longer with us. These yearly photos are priceless to me, not only are they recording my sons' growth, but being in the location is special and when I look at these they just make me happy and mean even more to me. I look forward to having our own family photos taken here in the fall this year so that the three of us can be in pictures together :)!
That's pretty cool Alyssa! I love seeing how Masyn has changed over the years.