Showing posts with label Birth Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Birth Photography. Show all posts

Friday, May 2, 2014

Myles: A Birth Day

A baby. A blessing. Our miracle. So much promise in such a little package, how lucky am I to be the mom of two beautiful boys!

I love documenting every aspect of life, I love the legacy photos leave behind for future generations, most importantly I love the memories and feelings images evoke for the viewer. With our first son we barely got any pictures of the "process" so with this one I wanted to make sure I (or someone else since I was otherwise preoccupied) captured the day...especially when our oldest son came to the hospital to meet his brother for the first time.  So when my doctor asked me if my bags were packed, the most important one, the camera bag had been packed for weeks leading up to the big day.
I asked my girlfriend to come and take some pictures before, during and after our son was born. This was also meaningful because my husband and I asked her to be our sons' Godmother when she arrived at he hospital that morning as well-she ended up not being allowed in the delivery room but she did get some shots immediately following surgery of our new little man. The rest of the photos I took from my hospital bed and once I was able to move around.
Here are a few pictures documenting Myles first 48 hours, I treasure these images.

Photo By: JS Edited by: Lil' Sprout Memories
Photos by: JS Edited by: Lil' Sprout Memories OR Photo by: The Nurse Anesthetist who was directed by another nurse "the patient is a photographer, just keep taking pictures..."

My main goal before the arrival of Myles was to make sure Masyn did not feel left out. The morning of my surgery I set up a quick little session with Masyn in order to pair it with some images in the hospital and make sure he knew how important his big brother role was. The images I got of Masyn seeing Myles for the first time are absolutely priceless. I shot the image from my hospital bed and was so glad I always had my camera nearby, otherwise I would have missed this!


I have been spending my leave learning how to be an attentive mom of two beautiful boys, I have a lot to learn, sleep to catch when I can and am soaking up every minute of this time with them before returning back to sessions, editing and a different kind of thing is certain, it is going to be VERY hard to leave these little faces when I return for my first session.
New for 2014 I will be offering first 48 sessions, these are sessions that will take place within the first 48 hours of baby's arrival, whether it is the birthing process you want captured, first family photos or immediately following as family and friends meet your little one they are images you are sure to love and treasure for years. Call or email me at to inquire about scheduling and pricing.